Monday, October 17, 2005

Crazy Weekend

I've finally recovered from a weekend of craziness. I think I've put my body through quite a beating and I'm hoping I didn't cause any long term damage.

Anyway here's a summary of the "abuse":

  1. Alcohol
  2. Skipping meals
  3. Minimal sleep
  4. Physical activity (quite siong)
  5. Project work

It all started on Friday night at Ivan's, where I met up with my bros for some drinks. As usual had my tequila 7-up mix, but didn't drink as much cos had to walk home after that.

Had a heavy pizza lunch on Sat afternoon. Canadian 2-for-1 pizza is still the best delivery pizza I've had so far. That explains point 2. Skipping meals. After stuffing my face with BBQ chicken, I decided not to eat dinner. Just had a Mississippi mudpie from Cafe Cartel.

Then I went on a long 7K walk up and down ECP. I must say it was really nice (good company and a great conversation). I think it must be the first time I walked so far without even realising the distance. In fact, didn't even notice the time flying by. Which led to point 3. Finally got home ard 3 and slept at 4. Woke up at 6.30 to get to Sentosa for the weekly run (point 4).

Was supposed to run 28 this weekend. But I suppose point 3 kind of worked against me. In the end felt quite shack after abt 19, and decided to just do 23.

Back home, slept for a while then on to conquer point 5. Flash is pretty fun. But as with any programming tool, it can be quite a (Shift + 42501) when you don't understand it. But once u get something to work, the sense of satisfaction is amazing albeit short-lived.

Anyway that was the weekend for me. Here I am on Monday afternoon trying to tie up loose ends on my HRM project due tom. Not exactly a work of art but hope it suffices.


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