Fishy Day
First up was lunch at Fish and Co Suntec with Fadz, Zhong and KT.
Food was sub-standard. Waiter speaks too fast. Table stinks of some rancid stuff. All in all, I guess I won't be going back there unless something changes.
Dessert after lunch was better. We went to Andersen's of Denmark where we had the Family Fondue. Check it out.
Family fondue.
Cookies, cones and marshmallows.
Fresh fruits.
Zhong, Fadz, me and KT.
Was a good catch up session for the four of us.
After that, was dinner at Manhattan Fish Market with Cupid, Howard, Penguin and Weiyi.
Guess it was a good way for me to compare the two places and see which was better. Wahaha... So here's what was on the menu.Baugette with garlic butter sauce. This is nice!! Love the garlic butter sauce. Though its probably extremely rich and sinful.
Grilled platter for two. This is nicer than the fried platter. The stuff is less oily.
Fried platter for two.
After dinner, went shopping for drawers at Carrefour. Apparently Penguin is facing a turf war for bench space in her lab. So she needs to get drawers to organise her territory!!
After that, went over to TCC at Selegie to meet up with Angel and Weihong for coffee.Angel, Penguin and Penguin Jr.
Took Twins photo again. Heh heh...
Anti-Social couples reading newspapers... Tsk Tsk...
Just two photos to show the Evaluative White Balance function that Hucks taught me a while back.
With auto white balance.
With evaluative white balance.
Quite an amazing difference. Thanks for the tip bro.
More photos can be seen here.
How did u do that evaluative white balance thing?
Nice leh...
Btw, Fish n Co din ask for feedback ah..hehe...
Sounds like u could probably write an essay out of it...
u just go to the white balance function, then select evaluative white balance. after that u point it at something that is white and press set. then it will calibrate it. :)
fish n co gave us a pda to do feedback on.
my fren wrote an essay i think.
lucky never give us laptop, they would have gotten a mini novel worth of comments!!
good job with the evaluative white balance bro! (y)
can't believe you went to fish&co and MFM on the same day, lol
thanks bro! ;)
yeah i went both places. the verdict, MFM wins. except for the long queue.
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