Sunday, April 30, 2006


Last paper today!! Wahaha...

Anyway it was an essay type paper. The kind where you write essays until you can't feel your fingers and your hand turns blue...

No shit. It really turns my hand blue. Check it out...

Happens all the time. Everytime I have an essay exam, I will write until my hand turns blue. From the ink that is...

Anyway after the paper, I hung ard in sch waiting for...

Pizza Dinner!! With the EA lvl 2 ppl.

Organised by my bro Justin. He rounded up all his CE kakis and got a whole gang of 20 people down for a pizza feast. Check out the neatly arranged table and nicely laid out pizzas.

Btw, he's organising a D&D (aka Prom) for his CE kakis. LOL... Wonder who will be the CE Prom Queen and Prom King...

Anyway back to the party. Besides good food, there was also entertainment.

Bridge as usual.

And Scrabble too!

What a nice way to spend the first few hours of unemployment.

Hmm... Actually the first few hours were spent playing Diablo II. But I guess this counts too. :D

Friday, April 28, 2006

This is my last post as a student.

In approximately 9 hours, I would be stepping into what could possibly be the last exam of my life.

2 hours later, I will emerge. Most probably dazed, brain dead and unemployed. Geez, I’m really looking forward to that!!

Anyway the next time you hear from me, I would be a slacker. A loafer. A bum. A statistic.

I wonder what I would be blogging about then...

Seeya in 11 hours...

Singapore Weather

Was just talking to Oyster about the weather. He was saying that in his country, there are four seasons. And now it is spring, or the leftover of winter. Quite cold and all...

So I was telling him that Singapore has 2 seasons. You know hot and hotter. But then he corrected me and told me that Singapore has 3 seasons. (Oyster knows a lot about my country, too bad I don't know as much about his country...)

Anyway according to him, the 3 seasons in Singapore are:

"Zhua" which is "hot" in dialect. (Told you Oyster knows a lot about my country, even the language!)

The second season is "Khan Phua Zhua", also in dialect. If you don't understand, call me. I'll explain.

The third and last season is "Khan Phua Si Lang Zhua" (dialect).

Well, I must say that he is right. There are indeed 3 seasons in Singapore.

I suppose now we must be experiencing the "Khan Phua Si Lang Zhua" season. A short walk to the coffeshop leaves me pespiring as if I'd just completed a 2.4 run. "Khan Phua Si Lang Zhua" indeed.

Anyway, as you can probably tell, I'm totally sick of my legal (environment of business) exam notes. That's why I decided to just post some nonsense.

Now that I'm done, its back to more of the Companies Act and the "Khan Phua Si Lang Zhua" weather...

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

For all Simpsons Fans

I'm a Simpsons fan. And here's something that I think all Simpsons fans should take a look at.

Amazing... Dan Castellaneta and Harry Shearer are really good.

Anyone know of anything similar for Nancy Cartwright?

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Disgusting TV

For a TV addict, I'm usually quite easy going on what the goggle box spews out. But today, I simply couldn't sit through what was being shown.

My father was watching "Police and Thief" on CH5. So I sat down with my orange like I usually do to watch. But the show was so downright lousy that after 5 mins I couldn't bear to torture myself further.

I guess this show has just reinforced my perception of how low the quality of local comedy shows really is. The ridiculous storyline, the over-exaggarated acting and feeble attempt to draw on the fame of a more popular sitcom proved a lethal combination for TV disaster.

Maybe I'm spoilt by the shows on cable. That's why when I go back to watching CH5, the quality of local programs seem to be terrible. But I somehow don't think that's the case for this episode of "Police and Thief". I doubt anyone could have brought themselves to laugh at something this disgusting.

Anyway, I'm done being an armchair critic. So go back to whatever you're doing. But be warned, stay away from CH5 on Tuesdays at 8pm.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Pest Busters

If there's somethin' strange on your window sill
Who ya gonna call (pestbusters)
If it's somethin' brown an it won't look good
Who ya gonna call (pestbusters)

Wahaha... ok enough of the lame lyrics.

I killed today.

It was a long, drawn out hunt lasting 2 days. But today, I got it.

Here's the quarry.

Yep I know, its only a common house lizard! But it was very irritating.

I first noticed it running around near the window of my room. After a short chase, it took cover in a small inaccessible hole. Extermely fast little fella. Given its size, its agility is pretty remarkable.

As a comparison, here's a fifty cent coin beside its head.

Anyway, after it went into hiding on the first day, I decided not to chase it. Hoping that it would just find its way out the open window.

But well, it decided not to.

The next day, I spotted it again. Hiding by the window sill. Chased it about a bit, but it went into hiding again.

Once again I gave it an avenue of escape via an open window. But it still refused.

Now it was really starting to bug me. So I went into chemical warfare. Insecticide. Gassed its hiding area hoping to flush it out. But it was useless...

Then it made its fatal mistake. It ran into the open. What followed was a chase from room to room. Well you know how it ended. I got it, immobilised it and took its photo.

The end.

Anyway now that you've wasted 5 mins reading a totally bo liao post. Go back to whatever you're doing....

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Running Again

Its been ages since I last had any form of exercise. So it was nice to go for a jog (it was a slow jog, not a run) yesterday.

The weather had finally cleared up and I headed off to Punggol Park. Its been a while since I last put on those shoes. I think the last time could be during NUS Bi. Yep, its been that long.

Anyway wasn't a very long jog. Stopped after 2 rounds, giving a grand total of 2.4 km. Woohoo!!

Its amazing how fast my fitness drops when I don't do anything to maintain it. Yet it takes so much effort to bring it back up again. Gotta keep working at it...

I must remind myself to go for another run soon. Maybe the next time its not raining in the evening...

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

CPE Sushi

Went for sushi buffet with some of the CPE guys yestday. Was too tired to blog abt it yesterday. Hence the post today.

Lunch was at...

Actually it was the Sakura International buffet that we had. But there was sushi too.

I'm not usually a prawn fan. Mainly because I'm lazy to peel them. But for these, I made an exception.

Prawn sushi. The yellow plates cost more. And I think I had about four of these plates. Yum!!

Here's a shot of everyone. We were all from the same EE3001 group. Except Jerry (extreme right). Guess this is our long awaited sPARKs outing. Heh...

After eating our fill, we went LAN gaming near Paya Lebar MRT station. Had four hours of fragging fun!! By the time we were done, I was whacked. Totally shacked out but it was absolutely fun.

Hopefully we can go for another round of gaming after exams or something. I'm sure we all have old scores to settle!! Wahahaha...

Full set of photos can be viewed here.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Box Shopping

Went box shopping with my twin just now.

PenguinOwner wanted to get stackable boxes so met her for dinner at PS.

Tried this stall at the foodcourt that sells Taiwanese food. Had some chicken in wine sauce. Well turns out it kinda tastes sweet and sour. Pretty much like the Chicken in Red Wine sauce from Tuk Tuk.

And they have this bowl of soup that is heated by some solid fuel fire. I wonder if its a good idea to have that in such close proximity to my nose. Aren't the fumes from that supposed to be poisonous?

Anyway back to the boxes. PenguinOwner got what she wanted.

She seems really pleased with her two boxes. Yep, they're stackable.

And it was time for another twin photo.

Orange and dark blue. We were trying to get NUS colours, since we were both still in s c h (its a taboo word, don't say it out loud).

So that marks the end of the long weekend. Kinda. Tom will be sushi day with the CPE guys. More like ECE. We've got a couple of EE fellas coming along too. :)

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Return to Sanity

For quite a few weeks now, life has been insane. Its been nothing but projects and deadlines.

Well its finally almost over. One irritating paper left to do. One more report. And one more exam and it'll be truly over.

But at least its enough of a step down from insanity for me to experience a more human life over the last few days.

So here's a round up of the last few days since CA4.

Wed, met Lili for dinner at Manhattan Fish Market. After that we went MP3 hunting. Along the way, Lili was totally mesmerized by the show Samurai which happened to be showing on one of the promotional TVs.

Well in particular, she was mesmerized by Ken Watanabe. I always thought he had a very "vulgar" sounding name.... But I think its just me.


Thursday, slept in. For the first time in a long time. Doubt it made up for the numerous sleepless nights though. Still feeling sleepy. Probably gonna take a while more to pay back the sleep debt I accumulated over the last few weeks. Went to visit my grandma who just checked out of her "hotel" (SGH) after an op.


Friday, met up with Von for dinner. Went down to Country Mana at Suntec. Check out the feast!

Spring Chicken and Chicken Marinata (I think).

After dinner, she mentioned something about peanut soup. That set off cravings for tang yuan in peanut soup. And we went off on a peanut soup hunt.

Searched 2 food courts to no avail. Had to settle for drinks at Starbucks. But we'll get that someday!!


Saturday, back to visit grandma again. Had dinner there too. Another feast. Check it out.

The very meaty dinner spread.

Well, since everyone's complaining that there's always too many food pics on my blog. And they are always hungry after looking at them, here's one to turn your stomach inside out. Don't look if you just ate.

Grandma's operation scar.

I'm a disgusting ass, I know. Wahahaha... Too bad for you...

Back to dinner. Here's my contribution to the dinner table.

Sweet and sour pork. I know this shot is totally irrelevant and breaks the flow of the story. But I'm sure it'll be a while before you next eat sweet and sour pork!! Wahaha... I'm evil...


After dinner, I got an sms for another kidnap operation. Read about the last one here. This time Angel was the mastermind. And she roped in her bf, Weihong, as an accomplice. He was the getaway driver.

The kidnapping couple.

The victims. Weiyi and Lili. They didn't put up that much of a struggle as the last victim. Hiak Hiak.

Well, its good to have life return to normal. Now I can't wait for the 29th of April.

Last exam as an undergrad!!! WOOHOO!!!

PS: The line breaks are an occupational hazard. Geeks would know what I'm talking abt. If you don't, good for you.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

And so it ends...

CA4 is over. Woohoo!!

I'm glad I made it through alive. Not unscathed but alive.

Now all that is left is that damn paper and some loose ends and I'll be done.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Ball Racer Xtreme!!

Check out the latest new game in town - Ball Racer Xtreme!!

From the guys that brought you Ketchup Wars, comes a whole new multiplayer game to pit you against your friends.

Wahaha ok enough of the advertising BS. Anyway Ball Racer Xtreme is the result of a game design project.

As with Ketchup Wars, I'm the Flash guy in the team. But this time round, I did more than just the interface. Gameplay and multiplayer functionality was client side, ie my job.

Anyway just took it for a test run playing against my sister. Its hard. Maybe I'm lousy.

In the end had to resort to typing cheat code (I designed the gameplay, I know all the cheats!!) to win one round... She won the rest.

Tomorrow, we're gonna integrate MXR controls. Should be fun as it will add a whole new dimension to the game.

Stay tuned geeks for the next update!

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Birthdays are fun...

Birthdays are always fun. Provided its not yours. Wahaha...

I'm sure Ivan, Qingwei and Xiao Bai can attest to that. For two years running, they have been superbly sabo-ed during their combined birthday celebration.

Read about what happened to them last year in this post from Lester's blog.

This year, the birthday celebration was held at Sakura @ Parkway. And here's a video of what happened.

Woohoo!! Wasabi!!! Wahahha...

You can read a full description of the whole event in this other post from Lester.

Anyway, I'm sure the three of them had a "memorable" birthday. Happy Birthday you guys! We'll get you again next year...

As usual full photos from the event can be found here.

Better quality video can be viewed here.

Friday, April 07, 2006

What if...

I was reading the following posts on PenguinOwner's and Oyster's blog.

The question was "What if there are no pharmacists in Singapore?".

Think the posts started off here. The comments are pretty interesting.

Anyway I started to wonder...

"What if there are no Computer Engineers in Singapore?"

I wonder how different life would be.

I know there are a couple of CPE ppl who will read this post. So leave a comment and share your views.

For the non CPE ppl, can you imagine life without us? Hiak Hiak...

Thursday, April 06, 2006

My Twin

I always knew I had an (evil) twin.

Heh heh, ok I'm kidding abt the evil part. She's not evil. Its Penguin that's evil. PenguinOwner (the twin in question) is not.

Anyway here are some photos of me and my twin.


More twin photos can be found at PenguinOwner's blog.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Did you ever notice...

That Faith always has this look on her face after a good meal.

Yep that's the look.

The look of contentment and satisfaction. Was just looking at the photos from today when I noticed the similarity with another outing a while back.

That look again!

Haha... Faith is sooo gonna kill me for publishing this...

Tuk Tuk Dinner

Had dinner at this Thai restaurant called Tuk Tuk in Suntec City. It had one of those ala carte buffets.

We didn't intend to have the buffet initially. But after some simple math, we figured that it was more worth it to just have the buffet.

I guess we didn't regret making that decision. The spread was a total of 15 dishes and we got to try all of them. We also had some dishes twice even thrice. Like...

Omelette. I liked this so had it twice.

Chicken in red wine sauce. Weihong and I liked this. But somehow Angel and Faith don't. Maybe its a guy thing. Wahaha...

Penguin Owner thinks it tastes like sweet and sour with nothing red wine-ish abt it... So I guess its One Dish Many Opinions.

This one's called Three Kingdom. I don't think its particularly nice. Its got fish maw, which I don't take. But it makes for a good shot cos its colourful.

An assortment of cakes for dessert.

This is another dessert. I don't know what its called. But to me, its Butt-Cakes. Don't they just look like butt cheeks? LOL...

Penguin wanted to try the fish.

But Faith forced him to eat chilli. Tsk Tsk. So mean...

Took the chance to have our Twins photo shoot. Hahaha.

Twins - Vorlacks and Penguin Owner. So can you tell who's the younger twin?

Oh we met Eve along the way too.

Pharmacists talking shop. The rest of us became invisible. :(

To end off this post, I shall leave you with one of the mysteries of Thai food.

What the hell is this??

It was with the desserts. And next to the coffee. It was too sweet to be eaten on its own. Yet there didn't seem to be anything that goes with it. Hmm... Any guesses?

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Toa Payoh Thai Food

The food featured here is usually of pretty acceptable standards.

Those in this post are not.

Well half of its not too bad. But the other half simply cannot make it.

Let me show you what I'm talking about.

Had lunch with my auntie and grandma at a hawker centre in Toa Payoh.

Hawker centre was above a wet market.

Started off with drinks. Chin chao plus soya bean equals...

Then came chicken wings from a seperate stall. These were pretty good.

The rest of the stuff came from here.

Thai Cuisine.

The fried noodles were not too bad. Phad Thai. Not sure if I spelt it right.

Those two were the better dishes. The next two simply cannot make it.

Chicken Green Curry. The only ingredients were chicken and long beans... And the long beans were a bit hard. Thumbs down.

Chicken Tom Yam. The soup was extremely thin. And had only a trace of Tom Yam taste. In fact, it was more like chilli-ed water. Double thumbs down...

So, if you're looking for Thai food, Toa Payoh's not the place to go.